Bird Feeding and Rats • Vermatech Pest Control
Rat on bird table

Bird Feeding and Rats

Bird Feeding and Rats

During the winter months is the best time to feed birds but unfortunately you are also likely to attract rats as well.

If you do wish to feed garden birds, do not do this to excess and use a bird table or feeder basket if possible,
to catch any off cast seed.

Choose the right bird feeder. If you are feeding small seed such as niger seed, choose a feeder with small holes.

Avoid seeds with husks. Seeds like sunflower have hard husks which garden birds will discard, before eating the heart of the seed. The husks will end up on the floor which will attract and provide a food source for rats.

As birds feed during the day and rats are nocturnal and usually feed at night, take bird feed in at dusk to remove an easy food supply for rats during their normal feeding time.

Seeing rats feeding during the day is not a good sign and the situation should be closely monitored. Ideally you should stop feeding the birds.  Rats will travel long distances to feed so speak to your neighbours as they may also be seeing rats in their gardens.

Store bird feed in rodent proof metal containers with proper fitting lids.

When filling up feeders, take the feeders to your storage containers and be very careful about spillages. Concrete or paving slabs under a bird feeder is easier to clear up than trying to remove seeds from grass.


If the above advice is too late and you have already have rats in your garden give us a call to arrange a 3 visit treatment for ratsPricing

For more information please see our pages on rats.

To book an appointment.

Call us on 01491 628 200
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